How William Shakespeare's Novels Preach Political Theories and Law?
26 Apr, 2022
Shakespeare was not only a literary figure but a figure in the domain of Political theory and Law. Being a Student of Law , It was astonishing for me to hear that people just termed Shakespeare as England's National Poet and The Father of Modern English Literature.
I am taking reference to William Shakespeare's Othello when I am mentioning that Shakespeare tried to preach various political theories and one of those political theories I observed in his play was “Feminism” , Wherein a woman character called "Emilia" who plays the wife to the villain in the story tells the Protagonist Heroine "Desdemona" , The Wife of Othello as to how is the world unfair to the women . In the following lines in the play "Let husbands know Their wives have sense like them. They see, and smell, And have their palates both for sweet and sour, As husbands have." ,
Emilia Talks about the patriarchal society and supreme inequality in the olden times . She tries to highlight that how the society tries to restrain women to commit certain actions during the olden times but if the similar actions are committed by men especially husbands than the society shall always tend to overlook it . Emilia's portrayal as a strong Feminist woman in the play is a constant reminder to woman to stand up for their various social and political rights in the near future . Although Feminism as a theory evolved quite later but the readers get to understand how Shakespeare highlighted the Patriarchal mindset and tried to give a strong voice to his women characters who set an example for other women .
Meanwhile on the other hand in "Merchant of Venice" , We see Portia disguising herself as a lawyer in the play to save Antonio from Shylock's wicked contract and the plan . Shylock talks about the supreme inequality in the olden days between the Jews and the Christians where Christians were merciless , biased and inhuman and tries to convince the readers of the play that he isn't committing a wrongful action at all. Also Shylock was depicted as gravely hurt and disturbed when he came to know his own blood daughter "Jessica" eloped with a Christian which leads to his revenge becoming more stronger in the Play . However Portia Turns the tables in the play for "Shylock" when she pleads mercy and requests Shylock to take the pound of Antonio's flesh and fulfill his contract but without a single drop of blood falling . Shylock loses his case and accepts defeat at the end .
Law as a tool and even religious politics are evident in Shakespeare's plays . But How Law and Politics have been depicted in negative and positive connotations is a constant reminder to all the readers like me that no one is above the law but no one is even below the law . Justice should be reasonable and not unfair . This is one of the unique experiences of mine as a Law student whenever I have read Shakespeare .
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