This April the world shall fast for health , happiness and lives.
12 Apr, 2021
April is here so is the month of festivals . While the pandemic doesn’t seem to subside at any cost , the pandemic hit world is also finding various ways to celebrate festivals at home .
Indians across the world are fasting this April for 2 reasons viz:
The onset of Ramadan - the holy month for all the followers of Islam.
Chaitra Navratri - the 9 day fasting festival to remember the goddess of power , wealth , prosperity, health , happiness , education etc
But this year the world is praying and fasting for a common human goal . The eradication of the pandemic and introduction to mask free faces . Post pandemic the world has become more sensitive but not equal . Both the festivals involve fasting and cleansing up and hence people want to clean and wipe out all that has happened in the past and are praying for a great and healthy 2022 with no covid and masks
The world this year is sticking to kindness , love and mercy instead of religion . The world is finally awake from the sleep of religion and is walking towards the enlightened Path of one God . If God really exists let’s pray to the almighty to have mercy on the mankind and prevent more deaths and give more happiness , the only wish I think people of all faiths currently have is to save humanity.
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